Iowans for Ukrainians is a small organization with two goals:
supporting soldiers and displaced Ukrainians in Ukraine
supporting Ukrainians as they settle here in Iowa
Learn more about Ukraine
Ukraine is a wondrous place full of amazing people. Read more about the history, the people, and the heartbreaking war here.
People have been living in the land that is now Ukraine since the Stone Age, but its more recent history is relevant to the conflict happening there today.
Watch: A brief history of Ukraine -
There were approximately 40 million Ukrainians living in Ukraine before the Russian invasion. They speak Ukrainian and it is the national language. Many Ukrainians also speak Russian. Most Ukrainians (about 75%) are Eastern Orthodox Christians.
Russian troops invaded Ukraine unprovoked on February 24, 2022. This has resulted in the displacement of roughly a third of the population, causing the largest refugee crisis in Europe since WWII.
Confused? Watch: The war explained